2020 Year in Reflection from CEO Jeff Ahola

To our Clients, Partners & Community,
As I reflect on 2020, I can’t help but feel that our daily work in the payroll industry took on greater importance. With so many businesses struggling to keep their doors open and hundreds of thousands of employees losing their jobs or having their hours cut drastically, our work became more impactful than ever. The spotlight was even brighter than usual on us to ensure employees were paid accurately and timely, taxes were paid on behalf of employers, and all their COVID-19 and or PPP data was keyed and interpreted correctly.
Whether it was educating clients on the nuances of the CARES Act, PPP, COVID Sick Leave, Tax Credits or simply helping them figure out how to modify their payroll and HR processes in the new normal, we were there. We helped them apply for PPP loans and then we helped them apply for forgiveness. Sure, the rules seemingly changed daily but that did not deter us. We could have shrunk from the task and told our clients to ask their CPAs or other advisors. We didn’t though. We did what we needed to do. We became experts and thought leaders and were duly recognized for our contributions by clients and partners.
I am proud of my team’s efforts, but not surprised. Team Ahola is formidable and we do what is right. We have proven our resilience and our ability to meet any challenge.
What do I feel good about entering 2021? I was 12 years old when my parents started The Ahola Corporation. It is hard for me to remember anything other than the business and the family’s involvement in it. With 2020 being the year of my 65th birthday, I feel so fortunate to have experienced the peaks and valleys all along the road and building this company with my parents, my siblings and now my daughter. Even with all the major challenges of this year, it is inspiring to see all the progress we have made as an organization and a family.
I thank you for your partnership and your business. May this year be prosperous and full of opportunity for each of us.
With profound gratitude,
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