The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services offers SharedWork Ohio, a voluntary layoff aversion program. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain trained staff during times of reduced business activity. We’ve compiled some information from ODJFS on the program below.
SharedWork Ohio is a voluntary layoff aversion program. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain trained staff during times of reduced business activity. Under a SharedWork Ohio plan, the participating employer reduces affected employees’ hours in a uniform manner. The participating employee works the reduced hours each week, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) provides eligible individuals an unemployment insurance benefit proportionate to their reduced hours.
Interested employers provide ODJFS with a list of participating employees and specify their normal weekly hours of work, not to exceed 40 hours and not including overtime. Part-time employees may be eligible, but all employees in an affected unit must have their hours reduced by the same reduction percentage. Reduction percentages must be at least 10 percent but no more than 50 percent of the normal weekly hours of work.
After ODJFS notifies an employer that it approves the submitted SharedWork Ohio plan, the affected employees may apply for SharedWork Ohio benefits.
Read Employer FAQs on the program here.
Read Employee FAQs on the program here.